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Can My Team Interview You?

Dr. Kate Kresge

Hi friends! I think we can all agree - Finding a great root cause medicine doctor is really hard to do.

The process is often overwhelming, filled with questions, and some of us never end up finding our ideal doctor at all. When we're sick, it can almost be too much to handle. And, if we do find someone, it's often so expensive / confusing we never end up scheduling a visit.

We at Rupa want to change that.

We're conducting quick phone calls in the next few days to learn 1. How people who are interested in health end up finding a root cause medicine doctor they trust

2. What problems they encounter during that search

3. How we might help

If you're interested, I'd love your input and expertise to be part of this project. To make your voice heard, you can schedule a 15 minute call with our business operations team here to tell us about your experience, what you wish was different, and what you think we should create to help more people find doctors easily so that they can heal. Khushi and Deep are both awesome people and I know you'll love getting to meet them! I really appreciate any help you can give us.

I hope you're all doing well and thank you for helping us do more good in the world!

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