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Treating Parkinson's Disease Naturally

Dr. Kate Kresge

Updated: Nov 12, 2022

Did you know that there are things you can do in your kitchen, living room and bedroom that have been proven to slow or even reverse some of the progression of Parkinson's Disease?

A Functional Medicine Approach to Parkinson's Disease

A functional / natural medicine approach to Parkinson's Disease includes things like

  • optimizing nutrition

  • optimizing hormones

  • eliminating heavy metals

  • treating nutrient deficiencies

  • exercise

  • therapy and counseling

  • medications

  • thyroid optimization

  • social connection

  • and more

You can learn all about in this article we just published in partnership with Rupa Health.

Health happens the 364 days a year that you're not in the neurologist's office. To thrive with PD, you have to know how to do those days right. Information is your superpower here.

Dr. Laurie Mischley is my friend and mentor from medical school. Her research in lifestyle interventions in PD is world-changing and I highly recommend her online PD school where she teaches you to how to manage PD naturally. In this course, she covers the surprising research about the simple, affordable and profound things that you can to do improve your symptoms without a prescription.

Supplements that Improve Parkinson's Symptoms

Research suggests that the following supplements could improve outcomes in PD.

Foods that Improve Symptoms of Parkinson's

Did you know that the following foods appear to be associated with altered rates of symptom progression in PD as measured by the Pro-PD rating scale?

You can see that a reduction in symptom score of 300-350 points could make the difference between feeling that you're doing "fair" or "poor" with your PD and feeling that you're doing "good" or even "excellent". These are change that you can make on your own for free in your kitchen, so this is empowering news!

Symptoms measured by the PRO-PD scale include 30 common symptoms that people with PD experience either as a result of their disease or medications they're taking to control symptoms. These are the symptoms that people with PD report most impact their day-to-day lives.

If you want a functional medicine team's help making a customized natural treatment protocol to help you thrive with PD, schedule your initial visit with our office today.

You can thrive with PD. Let's get you there!

Note: This article is intended to provide helpful information, but not medical advice. Please consult your clinical team before implementing any of the information in this article.

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